Ability to edit
Natalie Benjamin
Have the ability to edit the dates when you get paid. To be able to add your existing balance on your saving challenges and also have a Settings
Hi Natalie, I’m noting a few requests and for organization sake am marking this request as complete:
- Settings menu - complete
- Edit transactions, including income - complete
- Add balances to savings envelopes - complete
- Passcode ability - separate request was created an is planned for a future release
Thanks for all your feedback!
in progress
Hey Natalie! Thanks for the multiple requests
Question regarding the last one for Settings - what sort of settings would you like to see? What do you envision would be in the Settings menu?
Natalie Benjamin
Jeremy: Hi Jeremy, Something like a passcode when you go into the app but being able to have the choice if you want it on or off. To be able to turn on and off the notifications ect.
Natalie Benjamin: Ability to have a passcode is a interesting idea. I'll make a separate feature request for that. But yea a menu sounds needed!
Natalie Benjamin
Jeremy: sorry for all the questions and ect but is it possible to add a way you can change the dates when you get paid, I put mine it but it didn’t work properly and it went through as a different date and I can’t seem to work out how to change it
Natalie Benjamin The more questions the better! It appears the ability to change the details of a recorded is currently not functional, I'll get a fix out for that shortly. When it's fixed you should be able to edit it on the transactions page (tab 3)