Additional budgeting option for a monthly bonus
I get paid bi-weekly and once a month commission based but am unsure if there’s a way to budget that cheque because the app says to budget as per your pay. I can go into more detail if requested!
Hey there!
Yes, there is a way to budget your commission income.
You should set up to budget bi-weekly for your regular income. When your commission comes in you can add the income with the plus sign at the bottom, then on the top hit the 3 little dots and start a new budget. Make sure you’ve added all your transactions up to that point because it won’t let you add them for a past budget period. Then you can stuff that commission money into your envelopes. It will save what’s currently in there, so starting a new budget won’t change the amounts.
We do have some planned changes coming in a future release that will allow this process to be smoother/more intuitive but this is the current process!
Let me know if you have any other questions 💖